In 1931, Thomas John Mitchell and G M Smith published History of the Great War, based on official documents. Be specific as to what is wanted (asking for all medical records, just gets Health record, NOT In-patient Record): The Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF), held at the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), are administrative records containing.
National archives military medical records free#
The records were used for statistical research. Provides military records on request to Veterans and their next of kin, including DD 214 separation documents, official military personnel file (OMPF). The VA Toll Free is: 1-8it will connect the caller to the nearest VA office. The medical records were collected by the Medical Research Committee and then given over to the British Museum during the First World War, 1914 to 1918.
National archives military medical records full#
Below is a full list of the hospitals and medical facilities represented in the records.

You will also find records from Queen Alexandra’s Military Hospital before the First World War, dating from 1910. Veterans military records including medical history are maintained by the National Personnel Records Center- Military Personnel Records (NPRC-MPR). The records include admissions and discharge records from hospitals, field ambulances, and casualty clearing stations. For this reason, more records will be released in the coming years. Due to data protection, Findmypast has only published records where the admission year is dated back 100 years. For OMPF records not available in milConnect, military veteran health records, or for records requests from a veteran's next of kin or a member of the public, please visit the National Archives. These records are a representative selection of the full collection of medical records created during the war. Only a sample of the medical records was retained. military service records that are stored at the Secretary of States James. Before January 1, 1950, several similar forms were used by the military services, including the WD AGO 53, WD AGO 55, WD AGO 53-55, NAVPERS 553, NAVMC 78PD and the NAVCG 553.This collection comprises The National Archives’ series, MH106, War Office: First World War Representative Medical Records of Servicemen. The Missouri National Guard Veterans Services (Records and Archives Office). to National Archives and Records Administration (ISSD), 8601 Adelphi Road, Co- llege Park, MD 20740 6001. The report of separation form issued in most recent years is the DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty. Personnel Records/Military Human Resource Records/Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and Medical Records/Service Treatment Records (STR). Plan a trip to the Museum, to one of the Presidential Libraries, or to conduct research. Find primary sources, tools for teaching with documents, and student and educator programs. Request military records and learn about other services for yourself or a family member.